Harry Max VP of Product and Technology, AllClear ID

Harry rejoined AllClear ID in 2014, after first working with the company during its early stage in 2005. As VP of Product & Technology, Harry is responsible for Product Design, Development, Security, IT, and Engineering. Prior to his return to AllClear ID, Harry was VP of Product & Design at Rackspace, where he helped lead the company’s transformation to being a user-centric, design-driven cloud computing company. During Harry’s tenure at Rackspace, he established a world-class Experience Design capability, led control panel development, and drove initiatives for customer self-service. Harry also brings years of experience as a consultant and executive coach working with technology leaders at global brands such as Google, PayPal and SAP. Harry began his career in user experience and product design as co-founder of Virtual Vineyards (Wine.com), where he was responsible for on-line store design, development, operations, business processes improvement, and customer self service.

Harry is speaking as part of our Politics of Innovation theme.