Service Design for the Enterprise

As of May 27, Andy’s workshop is SOLD OUT.

Large enterprises are often typified by silos, systems and processes that deeply engrained and seriously disconnected. Often different people and departments involved in delivering internal service never sit down and collaborate, but pull their own levers on the mystery box of enterprise systems. A core method of service design is mapping out ecosystems in service blueprints. The activity of blueprinting done collaboratively with key stakeholders is as valuable as the final document itself.

This hands-on workshop introduces IxD and UX practitioners, as well as those from other areas of the enterprise, a chance to expand their methodological toolbox with service design blueprinting—a powerful approach for designing and developing multi-channel experiences. If you have done your insights research and developed user journeys, service blueprinting will help you align those desired journeys with the multiple delivery channels, touchpoints, backstage services and business goals required to deliver them. Blueprints have a simple structure, but many possibilities. They can be used for analysis, ideation, mapping and measurement and can expanded or connected to other documents, such as design specifications or the business model

Workshop Activity: Grouped into small teams, you will develop a service from initial concept and expand it across the service ecosystem using the blueprint as a scaffold for your ideas. Working from detail to big picture and back again, these ideas will be developed into a coherent service


  • Expand your methodological toolkit
  • Understand how to innovate, ideate and improve services
  • Understand the context in which you are designing and the experiences on either side that may make or break your part
  • Learn how to move between different levels of thinking, from micro to macro
  • Help project teams come together and understand each other’s needs and roles

Recommended Background for Participants

This is useful for anyone involved in conceiving, managing, creating or delivering new and innovative multichannel services. Mixed teams are welcome. An ability to sketch at least a stickman storyboard will be useful.