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Our BUILD theme, one of Enterprise UX’s four “mini-conferences,” focuses on the ideating, sketching, modeling, and prototyping necessary to develop effective and flexible enterprise processes, products, and strategies. Whether you balance legacy and strategy, work in regulated environments, or adapt a design process to suit a different product cycle, BUILD addresses the pragmatic aspects of designing within and for the enterprise.

BUILD is facilitated by Siberia’s Eduardo Ortiz, formerly of the US Digital Service, and features three presentations:

  1. Bias Towards Action: Building Teams that Build Work”: Husani Oakley (SVP, Director of Technology, Deutsch)
  2. Ethics in Tech Education: Designing to Provide Opportunity for All”: Mariah Hay (Vice President of Product, Pluralsight)
  3. Lives on the Line: The Stakes of UX at the Scale of Government”: Marina Martin (formerly CTO, US Department of Veterans Affairs)

If you’re struggling to build new technology in the midst of legacy systems, you’ll find our BUILD theme at Enterprise UX 2018 particularly relevant. Get a taste of what we’ll cover in this short podcast interview with Eduardo Ortiz—or just go ahead and register for Enterprise UX.