Become a Sponsor

Read on to learn who attends and sponsors Enterprise UX—or grab a copy of our sponsorship brochure.

Who attends Enterprise UX?

How many: Roughly 500 design and research leaders and practitioners attended Enterprise UX 2017; we anticipate approaching 600 attendees in 2018.

They’re senior-level: 42% of Enterprise UX 2017 attendees identified as CEO, CXO, principal, lead, manager, program manager, or director.

They’re diverse: In addition to a senior-level UX audience, many strategists, product managers, business managers, marketers, developers, and procurement specialists attend Enterprise UX each year. And they work in just about every major industry.

Where they work

Who sponsors Enterprise UX—and why?

Sponsoring Enterprise UX offers you unique opportunities to:

  1. Grow your in-house design and UX expertise: Enterprises like Atlassian, Google, HBO, IBM, Progress, Rackspace, Salesforce, SAP, and USAA have sponsored Enterprise UX to gain visibility for both their brands and their design organizations among senior-level design talent.
  2. Gain product insight from community leaders: Sponsors like Infragistics, MURAL, UserTesting, UserZoom, and UXPin perform in-depth customer research with peers from potential client organizations in a relaxed and intimate setting.
  3. Influence the enterprise software selection process: Atlassian, Autodesk, Axure, Infragistics, MURAL, Optimal Workshop, Microsoft, Salesforce, Skuid, UserTesting, and UXPin find that Enterprise UX provides a competitive advantage in influencing enterprise technology decision-makers.
  4. Engage with consulting and advertising prospects: Ad agencies and consultancies such as DesignMap, EffectiveUI, Fuzzy Math, Goto Research, Intelligaia, Moment, Philosophie, Projekt202, and XPLANE find excellent opportunities to present their work and interact with potential clients who are trying to solve interesting, challenging problems.
  5. Demonstrate your organization’s commitment to design: Organizations from a variety of vertical industries, like IBM, Rackspace, and USAA, find Enterprise UX to be an ideal setting to acknowledge design’s huge impact on their bottom lines. There’s no better place to announce your presence within the design community.

Want to know more? Download our sponsorship brochure.

“Enterprise UX helped bring into focus where we are as a UX organization, and provided direction to make change.”
—Edward Cupps, Workiva

Join us June 13-15 in San Francisco!