Do you have an entertaining story about the trials and triumphs of designing UX solutions in the enterprise? Pitch your story idea and if picked, you’ll enjoy a free conference pass and 5 minutes of fame on the Enterprise UX stage this June!

Previous stories have included tales disastrous first jobs, dealing with know-it-alls, and projects that went splat like crash test dummies into a cinderblock wall. Some storytellers made us laugh. Others made us cry. But each gets to the heart of why we love (and sometimes hate) this unforgettable work.


  1. Surprising Saves: 
Did you or your team come up with a design solution that made a pesky problem go away forever? Or tried something out-of-the-box that led to unexpected results (e.g. UX equivalent of penicillin)?
  2. Tales of Horror: 
Did you take on a design or people challenge with high hopes–then (doh!) failed? Or experienced a horrific experience and came out (alive!) and learned a lesson you’ll never forget?
  3. Rants: 
Walked through a painful work moment that you can laugh at now–but hope won’t happen again? Ever?


  • Your story must be told in five minutes or less. (It’s hard, but we’ll help you tighten it up.)
  • Slides are optional. (Most of last year’s storytellers didn’t use them. But you be you!)
  • If selected, you’ll get some free coaching on how to take the stage like a pro. Hey, maybe you’ll feel ready to audition for SNL after this!


  • Binge watch some past stories on our youtube channel (to spark your inspiration).
  • Write a detailed outline of your story.
  • Record a raw video of yourself giving us the gist of the story. Don’t stress about production quality. Your phone works just fine.
  • Submit your story pitch using this short, handy form between now and the April 14 deadline.
  • Put a reminder in your phone for April 14th right now so you don’t miss your chance! 🙂

Finalists announced:  May 1.

Finalists will be selected (and coached) by the incredible Dan Willis, our host for the Storytelling Sessions. He is amazing, and you’ll love working with him. If you have questions about applying, contact him at dan[at]dswillis[dot]com.