We recently described the many ways we like to torture the poor people we’ve lassoed to speak on our conference’s main program. We don’t nag the instructors who teach our four workshops quite so much—their day-long courses are already tried, tested, and selected for the very seasoned people who attend Enterprise UX.

Two of our workshops tend to the practical. Nathan Curtis’s Scalable Design Systems is the only workshop we’ve ever repeated across years—in 2016, we had to find a larger room to accommodate the enthusiastic demand. The other workshop—Project Management for UX Professionals—is co-taught by two of our favorite teachers: Kate Rutter and Laura Klein, author of UX for Lean Startups and Build Better Products.

Our other pair of workshops are perfect for people who operate the levers of design strategy and leadership. Adaptive Path co-founder Peter Merholz and CapitalOne’s Head of Design Management Kristin Skinner, co-authors of Org Design for Design Orgs, will teach Design Your Design Organization. And https://2017.enterpriseux.net/sessions/strategy-for-design-leadership/” target=”_blank”>Strategy for Design Leadership is taught by enterprise UX guru Dave Malouf, who co-founded this here Enterprise UX conference.

We hope you’ll join us for one of these four workshops on June 7!