DesignOps Community

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April 27, 2023 1pm PT/4pm ET

DesignOps: Leading the Path to Parity

Frances Yllana
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Why and how are creative agency leaders and traditional graphic designers finding their way into DesignOps? What is the future of DesignOps within traditional design agencies?

Most who are looking into the DesignOps space know it for its focus on the Ps: People, Process, Practice — mostly for technology, and mostly for Product design.

In this talk, Frances Yllana will discuss the opportunities for agency leaders to invite DesignOps into the agency space—either as essential functions or a defined discipline and leadership role. Once DesignOps is accepted into this space, might it finally achieve its most elusive P: Parity.

DesignOps Summit

September 29-October 1

DesignOps Summit 2021


DesignOps Summit 2020

Virtual Conference 
October 21-23, 2020

October 23-25, 2019, New York, New York

DesignOps Summit 2019

November 7 - 9, 2018, New York, New York

DesignOps Summit 2018

November 6 - 8, 2017, New York, New York

DesignOps Summit 2017

What we're reading

Why cognitive diversity may be the real gold ring

Nancy Branka
Read more.

Cognitive differences can include problem-solving skills, cultural background, introversion/extroversion, strengths and talents, or even thinking speed. How can we hire and build successful teams that include and account for diversity of all types to improve overall experience?

What the ‘Tech Exodus’ could mean for Silicon Valley

Laura Bliss
Read more.

In thinking about the future of Design Operations, how are we shaping teams that will likely be in disparate places? Building community and being resilient through times of flux will be critical to design leadership and how we approach operationalizing.

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