Advancing research livestream conference ticketsThe inaugural Advancing Research conference is officially sold out. Still want to take part in the full menu of in-person ticket benefits including access to our Slack channel, live Q&A, recorded videos of the conference sessions, tripnotes, sketchnotes, and speaker decks, as well as sponsor deals in our digital swag bag? We’re now offering livestream tickets. You’ll be able to view the full main conference program (Monday and Tuesday) from your home or office computer. Information on how to access the livestream will be emailed the day before the conference.

Register now

We hope you will join us at Advancing Research 2020 via livestream. In any case, if you haven’t already, please sign up for our Advancing Research Community, which will qualify you for free benefits such access to our monthly videoconferences and recordings of past calls, an invitation to join our Slack channel, the Advancing Research Insider, Rosenfeld Media’s semi-monthly newsletter, and first dibs on discounts to attend future conferences.