There are many ways to participate in Enterprise UX 2017: presenting, volunteering, sponsoring. Read on…

Want to speak? 

We’re really fortunate—LOTS of people contact us to speak at Enterprise UX.

Unfortunately, our program slots are mostly filled by invitation only. We invest huge amounts of time, effort, and money into creating the program and getting speakers prepared, so the people we invite are ones who we know well or who have been referred to us by people we know well.

That said, we do appreciate hearing about good people and good ideas. If you want to suggest a topic and a person (including yourself), email us your thoughts—but please make sure they’re actually relevant to enterprise UX.

STILL want to speak?

Well, there is another way to get on our program: apply to be one of our enterprise UX storytellers. Each year we choose eight people to tell five-minute stories from their work in the enterprise trenches. We’ll start taking applications some time in March; subscribe to our newsletter or follow @enterpriseux to find out when. Here’s last year’s sessions to give you a taste:

Want to help out?

We’re always looking for volunteers! Typically we ask volunteers to work for about half of the conference in return for a complimentary pass. Email Karen Corbett if you’re interested; please let her know if you’ve done volunteered at other conferences before (and how you helped).

Want your company to participate?

We’d be more than happy to have your company sponsor Enterprise UX 2017. We can do the basic stuff (e.g., exhibition booths) or work with you on coming up with something wild and creative. Email Michelle Kaplan for details on how to sponsor.