One of the four themes we’ll be covering at Enterprise UX 2017 is “Creating a Legacy”.  It can seem impossible to build sustainable design practices when you work inside organizations that struggle with politics, complex matrix structures, and multi-disciplinary teams. Cue the Mission Impossible soundtrack.

There’s Help:  Meet your theme speakers

This June, four experts who’ve found success developing teams that become integral to their company’s core business. Kaaren Hanson (Facebook),  Bob Schwartz (GE Healthcare), and Sam Yen (SAP) will share how they grew design practice withing their enterprise organizations. Afterwards, theme leader Colette Vardeman of USAA will guide panel discussion and an audience Q&A to generate take-aways you can bring back to your company and put into action.

If this is a theme that particularly resonates with you, tell Colette, Bob, Kaaren, and Sam a sense of what you’d like to cover or learn–post in the comments below before 4/21 to help shape their talks to what matters to you.

Here are a few starter questions to get you thinking:

  • When we introduce change to an organization, how can we make it stay–whether we stay at the organzation or not?
  • How can we measure and maximize the “ripple effect” of an initiative, beyond its immediate impact?
  • What are the experiences we want to create for our teams and organizations that will help them create better experiences for customers?

Feel free to sound off on the above questions, or pitch your own. What keeps you up at night about creating built-to-last UX teams in your organization? Tell us below.